Our Take on Dope Shit


“Your level of ‘remarkable’ today, in the beginning stages, may be totally different than what it is – a year from now.”

Why is the world so saturated with generic creations and mediocrity? Today we’re delving deep into an article written by Cole Schafer entitled, ‘Dope Shit’ and our take on how this mindset can lead us to do extraordinary work.

You’ll hear what we believe it takes to be successful as an entrepreneur and creator nowadays, what not to do, why you need to self-promote and believe in yourself. 

We discuss the importance of believing that you can do amazing work before exploring how to find ways to inspire yourself.

Finally, we caution you against generic social media content.

Press play now to hear all about ‘dope shit’ and be reminded to play a different game so that you can be exceptional! 

Here’s a sneak peek of what we discuss:

  • The gist of Cole Schafer’s ‘Dope Shit’ article and what it takes to be successful nowadays. 

  • Why playing things safe isn’t ‘dope shit’.

  • Who AI is replacing (mediocrity) and why doing work that a robot can’t, makes you stand out. 

  • The importance of self-promotion and practicing being amazing.

  • The road to creating remarkable work and how to believe in it and yourself.

  • Why you have to operate outside of the value people place on you. 

  • How imagining yourself creating ‘dope shit’ may inspire you to excel. 

  • The dangers of creating generic social media content. 

  • Why quality time spent is more important than the quantity of time spent working.

JOY: Tom Lake Novel

HUSTLE: Cole Schafer “Dope Shit” article


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